Dementia Evidence ToolkitThe toolkit has two resources:
A searchable database with information on over 1433 research studies on interventions for people living with dementia and their care
Summaries of the research findings for some of the main care and treatment interventions
ADVANTAGE JAJoint Actions are a funding instrument under the third EU Health Programme 2014-2020. They are designed and financed by Member State authorities and the EU to address specific priorities under the EU Health Programme. Joint Actions have a clear EU added value – they are expected to contribute to solving problems at the European level, and to have a greater impact that single national activities, especially at policy making level. They are co-financed either by competent authorities that are responsible for health in the Member States (e.g. Health Ministries) or in the third countries participating in the Programme, or by public sector bodies and non-governmental bodies mandated by those competent authorities. Joint Actions involve on average 25 partners, depending on the scope of the action, must be related to the existing EU policies in the field of public health and in other policy fields and must not duplicate actions that can be taken at Member State level.