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Health and Wellbeing: Virtual book club

Health and wellbeing > Virtual book club

About the virtual book club

The virtual book club runs on MS Teams every other month typically on the last Monday of the month at 7.30pm for an hour.

The purpose of this club is improve staff wellbeing through reading and connection.

The schedule may have some variability due to staff availability, and awareness events.

Our normal months are January, March, May, July, September, and November. We have an additional meeting in October for Black History Month. We aim for at least 6 weeks between each meeting.

To join, you will need to be added to the distribution list. To be added, please email us at

Suggest a book

We are very open to book suggestions from members and will add them to a list for future reference. Books are selected based on the availability of the books: whether we have them either in print or on BorrowBox, and if not, the expense of purchasing the books either individually or as a service. We aim to keep the cost under £10. Therefore, paperback is preferred over hardback. Another factor considered is the variability of the type/genre etc. of the books read over the course of the club or year. We encourage reading books not typically read by our members to increase breadth. 

If you have any questions or would like to suggest a book, please email us at

Previous Reads 2024:

To see see other titles that were discussed in previous meetings, please click here.

Next meetings

Our next Virtual Book Club meeting(s) and the chosen book(s) are:

Free Read Books

In July 2024, we decided to a free read where you can read any book a reader wanted they were prepared to discuss with the group. The following were discussed :