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Building a climate of respect: Home

Building a climate of respect

This guide signposts to resources related to preventing and tackling bullying in the workplace. There are links to sources of help and information about the impact of bullying behaviours.

BHT is building a climate of respect that is underpinned by it's CARE values and will not tolerate bullying behaviours. BHT has a policy and procedure in place that clearly outlines a zero tolerance.

If you need help accessing any books, journals or other resources listed in this guide, please contact Library and Knowledge Services. Some resources may require an NHS OpenAthens account.

Who can I speak to about this?

Key links

See following pages for links to BMA, RCN and other professional related groups, toolkits and other sources of help and advice.

Building a climate of respect at BHT

Please watch our short video to hear a clear message from our Chief Executive and others...

Tim Keogh - Bullying

Tim Keogh - Safety

Tim Keogh - BUILD