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Social media: Discussing health topics

What are Twitter chats?

A Twitter Chat is a live discussion on a specific theme via Twitter - anyone with a Twitter account can contribute using the pre-agreed hashtag e.g.  #wenurses

Sometimes Twitter Chats revolve around a new piece of evidence or it can be a general discussion around a 'hot topic'


WeCommunities is a good place to start connecting with other professional communities on social media. There are a number of different WeCommunities mostly based around professional groups examples include:

  • WeAHPs
  • WeHealthVisitor
  • WeNurses
  • WeMidwives
  • WePharmacists

A full list of the various WeCommunities is available online 

Most of them have regular Tweet chats and you can follow the discussion any time by searching for the relevant hashtag on Twitter. You can also view older chats via the archive.

Dates of upcoming WeCommunities tweet chats are posted online 

If you are new to using Tweet chats, there is an introductory guide available.


Journal clubs

In addition to standard Tweet chats, some are focussed around chosen journal articles and run like an online journal club. There are many Twitter-based journal clubs for doctors and medical students. Some others may be available for other professions or specific journals. If you need help trying to find a suitable online journal club, please contact