Learning disabilities > Videos
What is a learning disability?
Treat me well
DanceSyndrome - my dancing family
How I nearly terminated my son through ignorance
Reasonable adjustments
Treat me well - asking for reasonable adjustments
Reasonable adjustments make the biggest difference to people’s health and wellbeing
What is the duty to make reasonable adjustments? Equality law - discrimination explained
Communicating with people with learning disabilities
Speaking to people with a learning disability
Challenging behaviour and learning disabilities - independent living
Working with people with autism - the autistic perspective
Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) - looking forwards
Safeguarding adults - have we learned the lessons from Steven Hoskin's murder?
Hospital care
Admission to a hospital ward - learning disabilities version
Sepsis information for family and carers of people with a learning disability
Recognising deterioration in people with a learning disabilities
How to decide about prenatal genetic testing
Mental capacity
The Mental Capacity Act - an animated guide
MCA - Mental Capacity Assessment
Using the Mental Capacity Act in the community
Mental Capacity Assessment - nurse-led scenario
Allied health - cognition assessment of capacity