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Junior doctors: Journals

Resident doctors > Journals

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Athens accounts

What is an Athens account? A username and password that gives you access to a range of online databases and full text resources

Why have one? Access online resources 24/7 from work, home, or on mobile devices

What can I access with it? View our full list of online resources

I have a question about my account Contact the library

Finding full text journals


Using Browzine

Browse the complete list of journals or browse by subject including nursing and allied health, pharmacology, medical specialties, health service administration and physical therapy/rehabilitation.

Use Browzine to: 

  • Quickly locate a journal and browse the contents
  • Create your personalised online collection of favourite journals
  • Set up alerts for new articles published by your favourite journals
  • Bookmark your top articles to save for future reference
  • If the Library and Knowledge Service does not subscribe to a journal, you can request an article directly within Browzine
  • Access and read journals on your mobile device using the app

If prompted select Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust or GPs and Practice staff in Buckinghamshire as your organisation.

You may need to login with your NHS OpenAthens account to access full text papers.

To set up personalised journal shelves, bookmark articles and track new articles, create a personal account within Browzine.

Browzine mobile app

Browzine is also available to download as a mobile app.

  • Simply search for Browzine in your device's app store and download.
  • Select Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust from the list of organisations
  • Login with your NHS Open Athens account

To create and access your personalised bookshelf within the app, you will need to create a separate Browzine account.

LibKey Nomad

Get fast, seamless access to full text articles as you do online research and come across articles on publisher websites, PubMed, Wikipedia etc.

Libkey Nomad is a browser exension for Google Chrome, Edge and Firefox that automatically provides instant links to full text content for articles subscribed to by Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust or open access journals.

Download Libkey Nomad

To install on your device, go to
Select the Chrome extension
At the top of the screen, click on the Install on Edge
Select Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust


Libkey.IO is a useful alternative if you are unable to install Libkey Nomad. It is a simple tool to check if the full text article is available to staff and learners at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.

-Ensure you have the DOI or Pubmed ID number for the article you want e.g.

- Go to and paste in the DOI or Pubmed ID

- Choose Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust as your institution

- Follow the article link or download PDF

- If the article is not available, you can opt to complete a request form which will be sent straight to BHT Library (choose Access Options)


Literature searching

For quick searches across all library resources, use NHS Knowledge and Library Hub

If you need to do a more advanced search in databases such as Medline and Embase go to Resources for advanced searching - Knowledge and Library Services

For more advice and help, visit our Searching the literature page.