Revalidation > Keeping Up to Date
Evidence-Based Nursing selects from the health related literature research studies and reviews that report important advances relevant to best nursing practice. The clinical relevance and rigour of the studies is assessed to identify research that is relevant to nursing.
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Full text access is available with an NHS Open Athens account
You can browse the RCNi pages for recent CPD articles published in the RCN journals.
Unless you have an RCNi account, you may not be able to access the full text but you can ask the library to order an article for you free of charge.
There are many different ways you can keep up to date with new developments relating to your clinical practice or professional interests.
If you are not sure where to start, this page has examples of websites that may give you some inspiration.
Alternatively you can get the latest contents of specific nursing journals or do a literature search
Evidently Cochrane promotes evidence based practice for nurses and midwives. It highlights emerging evidence relevant to a range of clinical specialities that relate very practically to everyday practice and is a useful source of keeping up to date.
You can browse by clinical topic to find the evidence that most closely relates to your practice.
Examples of topics include
It's Everyday Evidence service shares relevant new evidence for nurses and midwives via Twitter - see the opposite column for the latest tweets
See what health stories have made the news headlines recently and find out more about the quality of the research behind them.
Examples of news stories include
Knowledge Share is the library's online current awareness service.
You can use this service to keep up to date with high impact documents relating to your clinical practice or other professional interests.
Examples of topics people have asked us to be kept up to date with include:
You can also use it to keep up to date with developments relating to revalidation
Sign up online via Swanlive or download an application form
If you have a Twitter account, you can follow these tweets in your own timeline using the hashtags #EENursing or #EEMidwifery