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BHT Thrive: New ways of working

BHT Thrive > New ways of working

It is highly unlikely that we will ever go back to the work model that prevailed before COVID-19, we need to embrace hybrid ways of working to improve our working experience, think differently and ensure BHT remains resilient and adaptable. Most people go above and beyond when given the flexibility over where, when and how they work.

Fostering initiative in your team

Initiative can be the spark that you need to transform a sluggish, process-focused, disengaged team. A culture that promotes initiative-taking can turn people into proactive, engaged, committed drivers of business performance, and can help to attract and retain the best employees.

Team activity

The recent pandemic has changed the way a lot of us are working. Take time as a team to consider your current ways of working – remember that everyone is an individual and will have different feelings on this. Everyone’s thoughts should be heard.

  • What works well? Why?
  • What do you prefer? Why?
  • What could be done differently?

What needs to be put in place to ensure we continue to work effectively?

BHT Agile Working Policy

*Links to be added when available*