Databases and other online resources
Access healthcare databases to search for articles using the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub.
The Hub provides direct links to the following databases (scroll below the Hub search box to view the links)
The Hub itself also has a simple search box to search for journals, books and ebooks.
You can also access ClinicalKey with your NHS Open Athens account.
Evidence-based summaries (all available with NHS Open Athens)
BMJ Best Practice - access the latest clinical information, with a UK focus in an easy digestable format. App available.
BJN Inform (Nursing) - access bite-sized summaries of clinical conditions and procedures aimed at nurses. Also includes content on professional issues, career development and leadership and wellbeing.
UpToDate - access in depth evidence summaries based on the latest evidence. App
See the 'Get help' tab on the main menu for more information about these resources.
Other online resources
Bates Visual Guide to Physical Examination -videos demonstrated effective physical examination, patient-professional communication best practice and OSCE scenarios. Login with NHS Open Athens.
BMJ Learning - elearning modules on a variety of clinical and professional topics relevant to doctors,, trainees, medical students and nurses. Login with NHS Open Athens.
Clinical - clinical nursing/ HCSW procedures visually illustrated. Login with NHS Open Athens or access via the links bar at bottom of the CAKE/intranet home page.
Complete Anatomy - interactive, 3D anatomy resource available as a mobile app.
EOLAS app for Trust clinical guidelines (details to follow).
Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures - Login with NHS Open Athens